Tuesday, January 25, 2011


This week we started Journals!  The kids LOVE it and so do I.  They get to come up in groups with me and write about anything they want to write about.  We start by writing our name at the top of the paper.  They try to "write" words by sounding them out, when they are finished then they illustrate what they have said.  I want to share a few each week!  Here are some wonderful ones from this week.

Megan wrote about a Princess named Belle!

Melissa wrote about a good Dinosaur!

Will wrotw abouto SNOW!!!

Sabrina wrote about her family!!

Didn't they do a super job!!!  I love it when kids figure out how to sound out words!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the journals and the creative drawings. Looks like Megan has lots of princesses on her page.
