Thursday, January 6, 2011

And Just Like That we are BACK!!!

Happy 2011!  Can you believe that we are already in a new year!  I just can't believe it!  I know that 2011 here in Pre-K is going to be the best yet!  We are learning and doing so many wonderful things.  We are talking about the letter Bb and talking about different kinds of animals.  Later on this week we are going to let our bear hibernate in a cave.  They will go to sleep in winter and it will be spring when they wake up.  How cool is that!  The kids are very excited! 

I had a few pictures from Christmas that I wanted to post, but they were on my school computer so I couldn't post them until now.  I hope you enjoy them!

1 comment:

  1. You're back. Cute photos. I missed you during winter break.
    Grandma Jan
