Monday, January 31, 2011


Last Friday during our PE time the 5th grade was in the gym to watch a presentation.  Since we were in thy gym they asked up to watch the presentation with them.  Little did we know we would be the stars of the show!  5 of our students were called up to have basketballs spin on a straw they were holding in their hands.  Is that not the coolest thing ever.  Jaylen, Porter, Annalise, Naina, and Collier stole the show!  I had no idea this was going on since I don't go to pullouts with them and I was so excited when I found out!!  I had to share!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Little Hoot Family Clinic call 501.GET-WELL

Our tool center has been transformed into our very own Little Hoot Family Clinic.  The kids are having a ball using all the pretend Dr. things.  We have been having some kids out sick during this time of year and they love thinking they made that person well, by being at their clinic.  HAHA!  Melissa's dad is a doctor and was gave us some pretty cool things to use in our office.....hats, boots, masks, and the list goes on.  We have an appointment book also that they use to see who is needed in the clinic.  If I start feeling under the weather I will know where to go.  You wouldn't believe how many teachable moments are in a dramatic play center.....writing, language, social, math...!   Here is a pic of Melissa playing like her dad!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


This week we started Journals!  The kids LOVE it and so do I.  They get to come up in groups with me and write about anything they want to write about.  We start by writing our name at the top of the paper.  They try to "write" words by sounding them out, when they are finished then they illustrate what they have said.  I want to share a few each week!  Here are some wonderful ones from this week.

Megan wrote about a Princess named Belle!

Melissa wrote about a good Dinosaur!

Will wrotw abouto SNOW!!!

Sabrina wrote about her family!!

Didn't they do a super job!!!  I love it when kids figure out how to sound out words!!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Owl and CUTE PIC

Porter is our OWL OF THE WEEK!  He is 5 years old!  He has 2 brothers that also go to Roberts.  He is very well mannered and is a very eager learner.  He plays well with everyone and is a great friend.  We all need friends like Porter!

I thought this was so sweet so I had to get a picture.  This is Jacob kicked back reading a book to Paige.  I love seeing kids reading and I love that he had his legs up reading!   Have a great week!!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Special Guest!

Today a special guest came from the Humane Society!  They came to take about proper care for animals.  It was really fun!  They each got to pet the dog that came (they ate it up)!  I love that different people in our community can come to our school and share experiences with us.

Today a few of the boys made this is blocks.  I thought it was really cute....they said it was bunk beds!  Pretty clever I would say!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Mrs. Strom and Mr. Kevin made a snowman named Fenway!  We are Red Sox Fans in case there was any doubt!!! 

Paige and her sister doing some good ole fashion sledding!!!

 Melissa said she was a Popsicle!
 Madisen and her brother playing in the snow!

 Gavin and Dad having a blast in the snow!!! Love that hat, Gavin!

 Naina and Nandini playing in the the SNOW!!!!

 Megan making tracks and a snow angel!!!!

Collier practicing his awesome measuring skills in the snow!!!!  Thumbs Up!

Monday, January 10, 2011


Melissa playing in the snow!!!!
 Annalise making snow angels!

 Nicholas is doing some sledding!!!

 James Kemp making a snowman and posing for the camera!!!
Keep sending in you snow day pictures!!!!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


We will not have school tomorrowI sent out an email to all the hoots asking them to send in their snow day pictures.  I can't wait to post the pics!!!  Melissa's mom sent me this video of Melissa!!

This is Anthony and his brothers playing int he snow on their day off.  Keep the pics coming in and I will update as I get them!!!!  This looks like so much fun!!!!

Friday, January 7, 2011


Today was a big day in Pre-K!  Today was the day that we brought our bears to school and let them go into the cave to hibernate till Spring.  We gave them a big hug and a kiss!  We even sang them a lullaby!  We can't wait till they wake up!!!  Enjoy the video and the pictures!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

And Just Like That we are BACK!!!

Happy 2011!  Can you believe that we are already in a new year!  I just can't believe it!  I know that 2011 here in Pre-K is going to be the best yet!  We are learning and doing so many wonderful things.  We are talking about the letter Bb and talking about different kinds of animals.  Later on this week we are going to let our bear hibernate in a cave.  They will go to sleep in winter and it will be spring when they wake up.  How cool is that!  The kids are very excited! 

I had a few pictures from Christmas that I wanted to post, but they were on my school computer so I couldn't post them until now.  I hope you enjoy them!