Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Today was a special day because we had a WATCH DOG DAD!!!  At Roberts we have dad's that volunteer their time to come and help at their child's school for a day!  I believe that one sometimes two dads volunteer.  I know that we have enough to make sure that everyday here at Roberts there is at least one dad!  Our Watch Dog Dad was Bryan Salerno, Nicholas' dad!  He came and helped out in our room this morning!  This kids had a ball! 

Today is also election day!  All of the kids know that you have to be 18 or older to get to vote...ask them they really do know!  Since they said that I am the only one who gets to for real vote, I thought it would be fun if they got to VOTE on other things today.  Our first VOTE was how we would walk to the Library.  They picked between fly, tip-toe, hip & lip (that was a conservative pick since that is what we do everyday) and to make a train. 
As you can see from the photo's you can tell what we voted on!  We made a train all the way to the Library!  I think it was a great vote! 

We went to Library again today!  This is our Librarian Mrs. Cantrell.  She read us a book that is a Arkansas Diamond Book!  It was called Duck Soup.  The kids made predictions about what they thought the story would be about!  It was really cute!


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