Thursday, November 18, 2010

VIPS Reading Day and Makin' some butter!

 This is our VIPS reader she just so happens to be Megan's Aunt!!  She read us 2 very cute books!
Yesterday we made butter!  I love doing this activity with the kids.  I think I might even enjoy it more than they do!  We talked about how the Native Americans couldn't go to the grocery store to get butter so they had to make it themselves.  We started with heavy whipping cream and 20 minutes later we had this yummy butter!  Below is the video of us making the butter!


  1. You have so much fun in your class. I want to come. I'll even read them a story or two but I'll have to get there from Minnesota first though. That's rather tricky this time of year.

  2. We used to make butter the same way in my classroom! Like mother like daughter! I am so proud!!!
