Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Chick-fil-a Night for Roberts!!!

Tonight is Chick-fil-A night to support our school!  Hope to see you there!!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Owl of the Week....Kayden

Kayden if our Owl of the week!  Isn't he so cute!  He is very sweet and has WONDERFUL manners.  He loves playing with trucks, cars, and trains.  He is going to be a great owl this week!  Oh and he is always dressed super cute!!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving, Go Hog, and Happy Birthday, Mrs. Anderson!!!

Thanksgiving is here and we are so very Thankful for our new school!  It truly is the BEST school!  Today was our Thanksgiving Feast!  Our class were the Pilgrims!  My grandmother made me these Pilgrim outfits my very first year of teaching!  They are a treasure to me and I love that my kids get to wear them year after year!  

As you know each week we vote for who will win the Razorback game!  Well this week is no different and this is a very big game.  Well when it came for James Kemp to vote this is what he said. 

Also this week we celebrated Mrs. Anderson's Birthday!  It was a surprise party!  I think she was very surprised!!!!

 I have a video from the feast that I will post at a later time! 

Friday, November 19, 2010

We Love Book Characters!!!!

Well today is book charcter day!  Roberts Elementary is the place to be today!  Kids dressed up like book characters is the greatest!!!  We had so many cute book characters!  I hope you enjoy the video!!!!  We had a parade that I can honestly say was the best book character parade I have ever seen!!! 

Here is our class with the books that they chose!  Where's Waldo????  Haha I couldn't resist!  Everyone look just precious!!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

VIPS Reading Day and Makin' some butter!

 This is our VIPS reader she just so happens to be Megan's Aunt!!  She read us 2 very cute books!
Yesterday we made butter!  I love doing this activity with the kids.  I think I might even enjoy it more than they do!  We talked about how the Native Americans couldn't go to the grocery store to get butter so they had to make it themselves.  We started with heavy whipping cream and 20 minutes later we had this yummy butter!  Below is the video of us making the butter!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Fancy Day Video!!!

Now what you have all been waiting for our FANCY DAY video.  Turn up the volume and kick back and relax you are in for a treat!!!!  ENJOY!!!

HOOT of the Week! SABRINA

Sabrina is our Hoot this week!  She is 5 years old and has a twin sister that is also in our class!  I think it is pretty cool to have your sister in your class!  She loves to eat at Moe's Burritos!  She brought several Toy Story Characters in her Owl bag to school today!  Her snack is Sweet Tea and Saltine Crackers!!!  You know us southern girls like some Sweet Tea!!!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

We are GETTIN FANCY!!! Letter Ff

Here we are getting our Fancy On!!!!

We have clothe napkins in our laps!
Off we go!!
Paige and James Kemp
Anthony and Naina
Collier and Annalise
Samantha and Will
Nicholas and Megan

Melissa and Gavin
Jacob, Sabrina and Kayden
Madisen and Clay
We had a blast at Fancy Day!  The kids all did wonderful and they had a ball.  Some people may wonder why we do such things in Pre-K, and I can tell you that starting early is the best way to do things.  These kids eat it up and love every second of it....so why wouldn't we have such fun learning experiences!  This was a great way to tie in manners to everyday life.  I hope you enjoy all the cute pictures!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Owl of the Week......HAPPY BIRTHDAY....and JACK

 James Kemp is our Owl of the week!  He is 5 years old TODAY!!!  He loves to watch football.  His favorite teams are LSU and the Saints.  We will not hold that against him!  HAHA!  He loves to play with his dog and he can even change his dogs clothes!  He has a little brother named Jack and he loves to come to our room and play! 

This is Jack!  He came right in the morning and sat with the other boys and girls!!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Today was a special day because we had a WATCH DOG DAD!!!  At Roberts we have dad's that volunteer their time to come and help at their child's school for a day!  I believe that one sometimes two dads volunteer.  I know that we have enough to make sure that everyday here at Roberts there is at least one dad!  Our Watch Dog Dad was Bryan Salerno, Nicholas' dad!  He came and helped out in our room this morning!  This kids had a ball! 

Today is also election day!  All of the kids know that you have to be 18 or older to get to vote...ask them they really do know!  Since they said that I am the only one who gets to for real vote, I thought it would be fun if they got to VOTE on other things today.  Our first VOTE was how we would walk to the Library.  They picked between fly, tip-toe, hip & lip (that was a conservative pick since that is what we do everyday) and to make a train. 
As you can see from the photo's you can tell what we voted on!  We made a train all the way to the Library!  I think it was a great vote! 

We went to Library again today!  This is our Librarian Mrs. Cantrell.  She read us a book that is a Arkansas Diamond Book!  It was called Duck Soup.  The kids made predictions about what they thought the story would be about!  It was really cute!


Monday, November 1, 2010

Teddy Bear Day and A HOT AIR BALLOON!

We saw a HOT AIR balloon today while we were outside for our morning play time.  The kids loved seeing it and it was really pretty.  If you haven't seen the mural in the Library it has this same hot air balloon painted in it.  I know because my Aunt, Betty Sitz,  painted the mural.  Such a talented person...wish some of that had rubbed off on me!!!