Monday, September 29, 2014

Playing Catch Up!!

 Last week our skill that we were learning was Story Elements.  One thing that the kids in the past love to make is a story taco!  This has all of the elements on different colors of paper to represent Title, Characters, Setting and Plot!  This is something fun that you can do with your child after every book:)
Book Character Day was a huge success.  I think the kids really enjoyed dressing up and celebrating books!  Getting kids to love to read at an early age is key to life long learning!  I loved to read as a child and still do today!!!  Look at all of these cute firsties!!!

 Since First Graders LOVE Junie B. Jones we thought it would be fun for the first grade teachers to all dress up like a different JUNIE B. book.  Yes we look crazy, but it was fun!
 Happy Birthday CONSTANCE!!!  She is 7 today!
Today we started writing our SLOPPY COPY that we will edit for our final piece on narratives.  This first narrative is about "Our Special Day"!  I think I have a really great group of writers this year and I can't want to hang their published pieces in the hallways!

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