Tuesday, September 9, 2014

In Our Classroom!

Just wanted to give a brief overview of how our day looks each day so that you will know what you child is learning!  Each day we start our day by writing our homework in our agenda books!  This is teaching following directions and writing skills all at the same time!  We move right on to our literacy block for the day...we start with WORD STUDY!  This is where we learn spelling patterns and rules to follow we also talk about sounds of words and blend words.  We have a Word Study Journal (WSJ) that we use during the week to help us sort words and write new words we are learning!  After Word Study we move into our Reading portion of the day we talk about different topics and read big books together, learn vocabulary, we answer questions about stories we have read.  Each week we have a new target skill that we are learning!  After this portion we learn do some grammar we learn about parts of speech...nouns, verbs, pronouns, singular, plural...all that fun stuff!!!
Then it is time for everyone's favorite....CENTERS/STATIONS!!!  This is a time during our day that the kids are with partners doing different literacy things independently.  This is the time that I get to call groups back to my table and read and teach reading strategies!  It is so fun having a small group and teaching them reading!!  This is my favorite part of the day!
During these times we are also incorporating Science/Social Studies this is another favorite thing we do....we integrate these topics each week into our reading and writing!
After lunch we learning about WRITING!!  We learn how to make sentences and we learn how to make them more interesting by adding details.  We write for fun and we write about different topics....we will learn how to write a narrative, an opinion piece and a how to!...I bet you didn't think 1st graders could do all of this but guess what they can and it is so fun.
In the afternoon we do MATH!  Math is taught in many different ways this day and age.  We learn different math strategies and we also learn that we can do problems more than one way!  We will learn how to add and subtract and will become fluent in these areas! 
This is just a little snapshot of what we are doing!!  Hope you feel a little more connected to our classroom!

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