Friday, April 27, 2012

Career Day and Mrs. Julie!

Yesterday we Career Day!  We got to visit a FEDEX man and UPS man and Sheriff for Pulaski County!  They were all really good and told us things about their jobs.  I wonder if anyone will become one of these when they grow up!

Ms. Julie came a read to us yesterday!  She read us really funny books about DAVID and all the silly things that he does!  Then she introduced us to some big books about some MEANIES!  WE LOVED IT!

Monday, April 23, 2012

U is for UNIFORMS!!!

Last Friday we celebrated the LETTER U by wearing our uniforms!  Here are a few pics from the day!

check out Mrs. Shaide in her driving uniform!!!!


Friday, April 20, 2012

Pre-K Play Place and Guest Reader!

Today Mrs. Shaide and I got to work on the inside of our cottage!  We cleaned it out and made it where the kids play inside during indoor play!  They were so excited!  This is very special for our kids!

Also today we had a guest reader!  Mrs. Natalie aka Olivia's mom came to read us a story.  She read us  a book about Olivia the Pig!  It was really cute!  She even stayed and helped us get ready for rest time! 

I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL WEEKEND!!!!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Playing Catch Up....

Yesterday our BEARS WOKE UP!!!!  We went outside and when we came back into our classroom the bears had rolled in from their long winters nap.  They must have been hibernating a long way away becasue it took them a little while to get here after SPRING started!!!

Some of the kids made a birds nest today on the playground!  How fun is that!  They took old grass and put wood chips down inside it.  They are hoping it is still there when we go out this afternoon!

We also discovered today that Noah is really strong!  He wanted to pull Mrs. Shaide in the wagon and it did a few laps...WOW!

We had another guest reader today!  Gabe's mom and baby sister came to read a Dr. Seuss book to us!  She did a great job and the kids had a ball!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

YES we are still here!!!

I know I have been missing from the blog for a couple of days however I have a good reason....We are making some Mother's Day things and I can't post pictures....We are also learning about Nature, but that comes in 2nd after our Mother's HAHA!!!

Mark it down mom's our Mother's Day Tea is set for Thursday, May 10th at 1:30!  I would like it if everyone could come so I am letting you know ahead of time so you can take off if you need to or get a sitter for you little ones!  This is a very special day!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Guest Reader!!!!

Today Aiden's dad, Mark, came to read us 3 very good books!  One of the books he read was about BELIEVING IN YOURSELF!  It was GREAT.  He also read one of my favorites LOVE YOU FOREVER!  I couldn't listen while he was reading that book because it makes me cry!  The kiddos really enjoyed having a reader!  THAN KS PARENTS FOR READING!!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Today in our journals we were inspired by the letter T!  We each picked a word that we would draw that starts with the letter T!  I love seeing how much their writing has progressed this year!  ENJOY!

TANK  by Jessica

TV by Ezra

TV by Chris

TRAIN by Lucas


We participated in TOMS ONE DAY WITHOUT SHOES!  Since we are talking about the letter T and TOMS starts with T what better way to celebrate!  I LOVE what TOMS represents and I am so glad that we took part.  We walked around without our shoes on to see what it feels like to not have shoes.  We also designed our own TOMS!  What a fun day!

Monday, April 9, 2012


As many of you may know we are in the middle of TESTING for grades 3-5!  Since we want them to do their very best and not have any distractions we aren't able to go outside on the playground.  We get to go to the gym instead....HOW FUN IS THAT!  Our kids did such a great job walking down the halls quietly to get to the gym.  We climbed on the climbing wall and played parachute!  We also played a group game.  We will be during different activities this week!

Today we also had a guest reader! Eleanor's mom, Shannon came to read us a cute book about a fox and his Mommy!  We enjoyed having her come and read to us.  I know one little was really excited to see her mommy, too! 

Hope you are having a happy MONDAY!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Dying Eggs and Mrs. Amy

Today we dyed our EGGS!  They are so pretty and the kids had a ball.  Sorry I didn't get evey ones picture as you can imagine I was covered in color by the end! HA!

Today Ms. Amy came to read to our class.  She is Lilly's mom.  She also brought Lilly's sister Lucy when she came.  She read us a good book about a bunny who has to listen!  We love having guest readers.  We also LOVE that Ms. Amy does so much for our classroom!  THANK YOU!

Wednesday Recap.....

There is no denying how cute these little bunnies are in their cute hats!  We cut these out and the kids painted them!  We will wear them when we hunt our eggs!

Mrs. Carlisle came and did our counseling lesson.  It was on listening!  We learned about being a good listener.