Thursday, August 18, 2011

Making Friends Outside!!!

We are learning how to make friends.  This morning I asked the kids to introduce themselves to someone and ask them if they wanted to play!  We are getting really good at asking friends to play with us!  I have seen some friendships form and it makes me smile!  Who knows maybe they are making a best friend that they will have forever! 

At lunch I had them take a few pictures for me!  If you don't already know I am obsessed with taking pictures!  LOVE IT!

Will and Chris are friends!

Eleanor and Jessica are friends!

Olivia and Alivea are friends with the same sounding name!

Gabe playing outside!  We learned that sometimes people like to play by themselves and that is ok, too!!!!

These 2 cuties are friends that happen to be TWINS!!!!!  Jacob and Noah

1 comment:

  1. Just checking in with the little hoots!!!!! LOVE YA!
