Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Aiden loves Chick-fil-a!

Sweet Alivea was all about playing in the play area!!!!

Jessica was there with her beautiful mommy!!!

Riley came straight from dance she didn't want to miss it!!!

Look at these 2 cuties I found when I first got there...Ezra and Olivia

3 Little Hoots playing with the Chick-fil-a cow!

3 more little hoots playing and look Will finally showed up....BO was worried!

BO knows all about Chick-fil-a!  He had a blast!

Sisters.....Eleanor and her sister were having fun!
In case you didn't know Ms. Jefferson and I love CHICK-FIL-A!  We go there together all the time!!!!!  This year we are missing our friend Meg from the annual Cow Picture!!!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

1,2,3 Apples All Around Me.....

Mrs. Shaide brought her Apple, Peeler, Corer and helped us do some fun apples activities.  We are talking about the Letter A and Learning Together this week...what a better way than with APPLES!!!

Monish tasting a Green Apple!  We tasted red, yellow, and green apples!

We loved how the apple looked after it was sliced and peeled!

The best part of the day was when we read the Apple Story!  A little boy goes on a hunt to find a little red house with no windows and no door and chimney and a star inside.....who would have thought that it would be an apple!!!!


Don't forget that tonight is CHICK-FIL-A night for Roberts!  

Monday, August 29, 2011


Will is our Hoot of the Week this week!  He is 4 years old and has a brother that is also at Roberts!  When Will is not playing his Wii, he is at Brusters!  He loves eating there ice cream!  Will has amazing manners and never gets into an trouble at school!  His best friend in our class right now is Bo!  I am sure he will be a great leader this week!!!

Friday, August 26, 2011


Today we wore ROBERTS shirts because we of all Friends of ROBERTS Elementary!  We have made it through our first 2 full weeks of school!  We are going to have many more and they are going to great!  Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL weekend!

Gooey Goop and BOOSTERTHON!!!

On Wednesday we made Gooey Goop!  It was so much fun the first thing that we did was vote to see what color we were going to make it was between orange, purple, red and blue.  As you can tell the girls all stuck to together and voted for PURPLE!!!!  This is a really fun activity that you can do with your kids at me if I can make it anyone can!

Gooey Goop Recipe
Mix equal parts of cornstarch and water together and stir!  WOW EASY!!!

Boosterthon is also taking place right now!  Each morning the GUYS for Boosterthon come by and talk to us and the kids love it!  I hope that everyone can make a small donation and participate in this great fundraiser that our school is doing!!!

One last thing!  I would love for the STROMS LITTLE HOOTS to have 100% involvement in the PTA!!!!!  

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Roberts News!

Today we started watching the ROBERTS news show!  This is a special newscast that comes on every morning just for Roberts students.  The kids thought it was so much fun that they had their own news show like their parents have at night!  We say the Pledge of Allegiance, the Roberts Creed and it is so much fun!  Here is a pic of us watching the news!

Today we started making some friendship "hoots" for the hallways and they are precious!  We will add the finishing touches tomorrow and then display them!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Hoot of the Week!!!!! RILEY MITCHELL

We have our first HOOT OF THE WEEK this week!  This will happen every week until every child has had a turn.  Our first Hoot is RILEY MITCHELL!  She is 4 years old and has a little sister that she calls Maddie!  She likes being the big sister!  Riley loves cats and dogs!  Did you know that Riley's favorite place to eat is Buffalo Grill because they have Macaroni and Cheese!  Yummy!  Since she is the Hoot of the week she gets to be our line leader everyday this week!  How cool is that?  She also get to sit in the special chair at circle time!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Making Friends Outside!!!

We are learning how to make friends.  This morning I asked the kids to introduce themselves to someone and ask them if they wanted to play!  We are getting really good at asking friends to play with us!  I have seen some friendships form and it makes me smile!  Who knows maybe they are making a best friend that they will have forever! 

At lunch I had them take a few pictures for me!  If you don't already know I am obsessed with taking pictures!  LOVE IT!

Will and Chris are friends!

Eleanor and Jessica are friends!

Olivia and Alivea are friends with the same sounding name!

Gabe playing outside!  We learned that sometimes people like to play by themselves and that is ok, too!!!!

These 2 cuties are friends that happen to be TWINS!!!!!  Jacob and Noah

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Going on an Owl (Hoot) Hunt!!!

Today we got to know our school a little bit better!  We went on an OWL hunt around our school to find important places.  We found OWLS in the Office, at the Nurse, ART room, Music room, PE, and the Dining Room!  This kids had a blast looking at everything!  We used our magnifying glasses to help our search and some had binoculars!  

How cute are these Little Hoots?  I just love them already! 

We also had some fun outside this morning!  The weather has been wonderful!

Chelsea and Eleanor were having some fun!!!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Little Hoots had a FANTASTIC First Day!!!!

Today we had so much fun!  We didn't have 1 person cry when they are dropped off!  This is something to be excited about!  I think all the kids had a blast and can't wait to come back tomorrow!  We played in a few centers, but we will opening the rest up as the week goes on!  Here are a few pictures of the fun we had today!  Mom's I know some of you were very nervous, but I promise to take great care of your babies!  As I will become their second Mom!!!!

Lilly and Will playing with puzzles!

Jacob and Riley playing!!!! 

Lucas, Monish, and Evan playing very well together!

Morisyn and Aiden playing with manipulatives!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Twas the Night before school starts......

And all the Little Hoots are hooting and should be snug in their beds!  Well, tomorrow starts a new journey!! I can't wait!!  I am a little anxious as most teachers are the night before school starts!  I know we are going to have a great year!  See y'all tomorrow!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Announcing the 2011-2012 Little Hoots!!!!

Bo Bradford
Eleanor Adams
Lee Caldwell
Olivia Bean
Evan Daniels
Chelsea Delgado
Aiden Edwards
Lilly Lewis
Gabe Hildebrand
Monish Mehta
Alivea Teme
Will Mercer
Morisyn Whitworth
Jacob Orsini
Noah Orsini
Jessica Wood
Lucas Pittman
Riley Mitchell
Ezra Voth
Well, I don't know about you but they all sound precious to me!  I can't wait to meet them!  Don't forget tomorrow night is meet the teacher night at 6pm!!!  See you then!!!!  Follow this blog if you are new!!!