Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Week 3 in Review:)

 I started off last Monday with some HOMEMADE bread by Evelyn!!!  Yummy!!!
 We started our center rotations last week!  The kids did a great job working with their center partner and staying on task!  We learned that during center time we are to be working and learning!!!
Our class has 5 ipads that we get use during center time!!  That was a huge hit as well!
 We had a few friends who lost some teeth!  I am part dentist, and I am sure many more teeth will be lost this year:)
 Now for the important stuff.....the Razorback vote!  We vote each Friday for who will win the game!  This week we voted correctly....well 17 of us did:)
We wore our Razorback gear to honor the first game!!!

We also started GT last week with Mrs. Boswell!  This kids loved thinking outside of the box!!!!

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