Thursday, October 30, 2014

 Boston has been getting treats this week for his poor back and I got one too:) LOVE IT!!  Thanks Carly for the goodies!!
 Janya was helping us build our spelling words!  We build the words every Monday to help us learn the skill for the week!
 This is probably my favorite book of all times!!  I highly recommend it!  When tattling gets out of control this is my go to!!  I think we were just about to get a case of tattle tongue but luckily we read this book just in far no TT in this class!!  WOOOOHOOOOO!!
 These are the Tattle Rules that the book talks about I highly recommend them if you ever need them at home:)
 Our class WON FIRST IN MATH for 1st grade.  This means our class worked more problems than in class in first for the week!!  We have the trophy outside our classroom!!
 TH is for THINKING THUMB!!!  You would be amazed at home many TH words we can come up with we are wearing our Thinking Thumbs!!
The jury is still out what I should be for Halloween so we are writing to see if they can convince me to be their choice!!!

Friday, October 24, 2014




Firstie Fun!

 This sweet class of FIRSTIES were chosen to eat in the Retro Café.  This means that we did the right thing in the dining room and people noticed:)  I am so proud!!
 I started this week off having parent teacher conferences and some of the moms knew I had a sweet tooth!!!  Thanks so much this was super yummy!!

 We learned how to write BIOGRAPHIES this week check out the concentration on these faces!!
 Rockin' it up in the Retro Café! 
Our favorite biography this week was about Walt Disney!  This sums him up perfectly!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


 Last week we went of a hunt for R blends!!  We had to take pictures of the r blend and place it inside our camera...then we glued them into our R blends book.  It was so much fun and the kids loved hunting:)
 Table 1 got to eat lunch with me last week because they have been on point on using whisper voices during work time!!  I didn't crop one child out he wasn't in our class he was from Mrs. Stacker's class:)
 MM was so excited that she was wearing a scarf today....I also had on a scarf and she thought that was cool stuff!

These pumpkins are too cute....I am giving you a little teaser so I didn't post pictures of them all cause you have to come and see for yourself on Thursday for Math and Literacy night!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Mystery Reader and Speical Teacher Treat!

 Friday we had Noah's mom as our Mystery reader and she let Noah pick out some of his favorite books so read!  His little sister came, too!  She will be in Kinder next year! 
We love Mystery Reader Friday.  If you haven't signed up we would love to have you:)
At the beginning of each month the teachers get a special little gift in our boxes.  This months treat is super cute and looks like a broom stick:)  Aislynn's mom is in charge of all the yummy treats and the teachers really appreciate them:)
We are off to a very busy day already.  We are working on R blends this week!  We are also very busy learning how to subtract.  This is a very important skills for the kiddos to learn:)
Happy Monday!