Tuesday, February 25, 2014

V-day Party...How To...Greater Than and Less Than

I am sorry for the late post...I have been very busy with this silly bunch of 1st graders!  We had a blast at our Valentine party/dance!!  I am still loving all the pictures.  

This week we finished up our "How to" writings....we made our writing about "How to make a ________Sandwich."  The kids told us detailed information on how to make their sandwich of choice!  Yummy!!  We are have been busy reading everyday!  I can tell that some of you are reading with your children daily....it is making a huge difference!!  Go parents and grandparents!
  We also started learning greater/less than....we have done many activities and have been very hands on with our math manipulatives!

Today we made google glasses....these glasses have all of our oo spelling words written on them.....we are keeping a lookout of words that have oo in them this week!

We were so excited that Baylee's Papoo came to read today....he has been busy working and we really missed him, but today was a real treat when he read to us!!  Welcome back Papoo!!

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