Thursday, December 1, 2011

Christmas Magic has happened in our room!!!

Today we went looking for Christmas Magic and guess what happened.......
A little Elf came and left us a very important message!

Talk about huge smiles on faces.....everyone was thrilled.  He left us a book explaining to us what his job would be!  He said that the first thing we needed to do was name him.  So of course we had to have a were some of the the names we got came up with:
but the winner of the vote was JINGLES!!!!

We LOVE having JINGLES in our room and he loves being here....he said it was like Santa's workshop because we do so many crafts! HA!  We can't wait to see what he does tomorrow!

Also, I have to show you this cute picture of some adorable little hoots in adorable little hoot hats!

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