Thursday, October 6, 2011


We are learning about SORTING this week!  It has been so much fun!  The kids first learned to sort by color, but we took it to the next level.  We sorted ourselves into groups by boys and girls, eye color,  hair color and length of hair!  Since we have been talking about solids, liquids, and gases we sorted those into groups also!  We also sorted living things and non living things!  We sorted zoo animals and farm animals!  I love how this age soaks everything in!  I love to see them get excited about learning!  It makes me get excited about teaching them, too!  Here are a few pictures!

Monish sorting by color!

Evan sorted all of these into blue and green groups!

Bo was sorting by color!

We sorted ourselves into girls and boys and Mrs. Strom didn't help us!

I found Chris and Jacob in the science center and they sorted all the bugs!

I found Jessica and she had sorted all of her animals into groups by herself! 

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