Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween/Happy Birthday Dr. Roberts!!!

Today has been a very special day!  Not only was it Halloween, it was also Dr. Don Roberts Birthday!  He came to our school and we had a parade for him!  We love Dr. Roberts and anytime he comes to our school it is VERY BIG DEAL!!!  What an honor that we had to celebrate with him!  Here are a couple of pics from today!

Happy Halloween!!!

Friday, October 28, 2011


We have another Razorback singer in our midst!!  It was too cute not to share!!  I love how she walks away when she was done!!

HAT day for Hh!!!

Pretty cool hats I would say!  Don't you wish your job was as fun as mine!!!!  Not to brag, but what job always you do dress crazy for a whole week and get to play outside and learn all at the same time!!!!!

Pumpkin Carving!!!

Yesterday we carved our class pumpkin!  It was a lot of fun!  Of course we had to make an owl!!  We even named him.  The class voted to call him Spooky Buddy!

Our Pumpkin Spooky Buddy!!!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Happy Owloween!!!!

Today we had our Happy Owloween!  We had so many fun things to do!  We have 4 different stations!  We made candy corn pictures, made ghosts suckers, we played pin the beak on the owl, and made spiders to eat!!!  Special thanks to the parents that came and helped!  We appreciate you!  Thanks Julie for coming up with everything for us to do!!!  

Pumpkin Patch Slideshow!

Here are some pics that Jessica's mom took with her camera!  I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Ms. Jefferson and I were battling out the Red Sox vs. Yankees!!!!

Little Hog Fans!!!



Little Colt Fans!!  I am a BIG Colts fan also!!!  However Sunday was not so good!  HAHA!

3 little fans!!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


These were some of our kids wearing their clothes inside out!  I told them that they must have gotten ready in a hurry this morning because all their clothes were messed up! HA!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Hoot of the Week!!!! BAYLEE!!!!

Baylee is our Hoot of the Week!  She is 4 years old!   She was the last little hoot to come to our classroom and we just love her to pieces!  We are so glad that she is in our class!  She loves to play with her bathtub toys when she is at home!  She also loves to eat at Burger King!  She likes to get french fries and chicken!  YUMMY!!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Pumpkin Patch Pics!!!!

We had so much fun at that pumpkin are a few pictures that I shot with my phone!  Don't worry several moms had real cameras and will be sharing pics as well for those that were not able to come!

Our "Fashion Forward' guide, Will!!!!

Ready to explore!

Chris feeding the animals!!!

Monish was having a ball!!!!

Come on out Will!!!

Playing in the HAY!!!!!

Gabe and Aiden chillin in the hay!

Just off of the cow train!!!

Ezra enjoying a ride on Jelly Bean!

Eating LUNCH!!!!

the boys having a blast!!!

Group Pic!!!!

Someone had too much fun!!!! 

When we got back to school Bo laid down in the grass and went to sleep!!!

Today we put our pumpkins in order for smallest to biggest!!!

We also measured to see how many pumpkins tall we are!!!!!

Thanks to all the parents that went with us on the Field Trip!  We appreciate all you did to help make yesterday a fun day!!!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Silly Pumpkins!!!!!

Today we made Silly Pumpkins!  How cute are they!  Each child named their pumpkin and painted the orange.....however I did cut out the pumpkin!  We really aren't that ready for the scissors just yet!  I love how they glued the teeth and grass....and some of those eyes....oh my so cute!!!