Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Field Day Fun Day!

We had a BLAST at Field Day!  As you can see from the pictures we had lots of games to play!  I think there is only 1 game that I didn't get a picture of and that was jump rope!  I normally am not a huge fan of field day and I honestly was kinda dreading it, but I was pleasantly surprised at home fun this field day was!  The weather was perfect!  I hope we can order weather like that for years to come on Field Day!  Thank you to parents who organized this event and for the HOOT parents that came out and helped our class!  

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Pre-K PROMOTION!!!! The HOOTS are leaving their nest!

I don't know why this is turned funny!

Yesterday was a great day!  Can you believe that they have promoted?  I can't!
This has been the best year teaching that I have ever had!  It is very bittersweet for me!

Monday, May 23, 2011


Friday we had a WATCH DOG DAD!  It was Gracie and Gavin's Dad! He really helped us out and played with us!

Kayden had a birthday last week!  He is 5 years old!

We had a storyteller come and talk to us she did a great job!

Look at this sweet napper!

And this sweet napper!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Gettin Down with Mother Goose and Miss. Arkansas

Today Miss. Arkansas came to our school to perform and talk to the kids.  They loved it and she is just beautiful.  She loved that all of our kids were dressed up!  She said that she wished she had known and she would have dressed up too...wink wink!

Our very own Jack and Jill aka Will and Melissa

Clay makes a great Jack don't you think?

I ran into these 3 nursery rhyme characters in the parking lot this morning.  Who knew that Humpty Dumpty, Patty Cake, and Jack be Nimble went to Roberts!

Little Miss Muffet was also there....I am glad that spider didn't frighten her away.

Paige-e-poo aka Patty Cake!  I bet she could whip up some good stuff!

The Little Hoots make Mother Goose look great don't you think?

Our 2 Hickory Dickory Dock friends!  Too Cute!

I bet Jack and Jill were twins, too!  S and S played the part perfectly!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Lots to catch up on.....

Today is bus driver appreciation.....today Ms. Edwards and I passed out donuts to the bus drivers.  They screamed and were so excited.  We loved it!

Can you tell how excited Megan is about leaving me and going to Kindergarten.  We had a Safari and they kids got to go practice Kindergarten.  I would say Megan had a great time....wouldn't you?

Annalise and I got to go Purple Cow!  She won this at our PTA fundraiser, Retro Rewind!  We split a milkshake and it was fab.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day Tea and Teacher Appreciation Week

We had two really big events this past week...Mother's Day Tea and Teacher Appreciation Week!  First off I want to say thank you to each and every parent and child for making Teacher Appreciation Week the best ever!  Mrs. Shaide and I were so overwhelmed by everything!  Each day we had a new surprise!  We are still in shock!  Again we say thank you for all you do for us, we truly appreciate your love and support!  I can't help but post a pic of our cute aprons that Megan's Mom made with the help of 20 little Hoots!

Now for my favorite event that we do all year!  THE MOTHER'S DAY TEA!  The kids worked so hard to make Mother's Day very special for their mommas!  We made Cookbooks with some great recipes and we drew pictures of our Mother's!  They even told us what a Mother was and we made place mats!  It was so much fun.  We are exhausted! HAHA!  Please enjoy the pictures...my camera didn't quite work on all the pictures so if you don't see yourself...I am so sorry, some were so blurry that I couldn't use them!  Also, below is the video that we showed!


Monday, May 2, 2011

Today I was so surprised by cards and flowers from all the Little Hoots for Teacher Appreciation Week!  Mrs. Shaide and I both enjoyed all our goodies!  Thanks so much parents and students!