Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lenny the Leprechaun came to our class.....YAY!!!

He left us a note and some cookies....Gavin said we need to write him a thank you note!

Look what Lenny did in our room....I bet he really like our rainbow carpet!

Nicholas Mom (Kim) make us these yummy treats!  They were fantastic!

He even tee-teed in our potty!  Oh goodness you should have seen the look on the kids faces when they saw this!

He messed up our block center

the kids came in screaming and immediately started cleaning up the mess Lenny had made.  It was so funny!

We made green milk and had a taste....they said it tasted just like white milk!  HAHA

Here are a few pics that we took today! 

Collier brought this cool hat so some wanted to have their pictures made!  I had the headband and some wanted theirs made with those on.  It was a great day.  Mrs. Shaide was out and one of my great friends and fellow teacher friends at my old school was her sub.  They loved Mrs. Simmons!!!  It was fun to have her here! 

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