Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Collier....OWL of the WEEK and Special Thanks!

Collier is our Owl of the Week!  He is 4 years old and has 1 little sister named Marley!  He loves her very much.  You know what else he loves???  Orange Leaf.  He loves that you can make your own and put whatever you want on your ice cream!  I think it is pretty yummy, too! 

Can you believe that it is almost Christmas Break!  I am in shock that we are about half way done with our school year.  Yesterday the PTA sponsored a staff lunch for the teacher and staff and it was amazing.  Thank you to Noelle's mom and big sister, for coming to watch our class!  The kids were napping so there wasn't a lot to do but I appreciate her coming and letting Mrs. Shaide and I go enjoy a special lunch!  Today we made MAGIC REINDEER FOOD!  All the kids have a bag and they can sprinkle it in their yard on Christmas Eve so the reindeer can have lots of energy to fly.  Oh to be a kid again!!! 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Gingerbread WEEK!!

We are having so much fun talking about the GINGERBREAD MAN!  We have been reading different versions of this classic folktale.  So far we have read "The Gingerbread Man" and "The Gingerbread Baby"!  I can't wait to read the other versions.  We are going to vote on which we one like the best!!!

I think so far I like the Gingerbread Baby because he doesn't get eaten.  We are making Gingerbread people as a family project and I will post pics when they all come in!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Owl of the Week.....It's Beginning to LOOK a lot like CHRISTMAS!!!

 Doen't our cottage look too cute for words!  I just can't get over the cuteness!

Noelle is our Owl this week!  She is going to turn 5 next week!  I love that she was born in December and her name is Noelle!  Perfection!
Noelle has 2 sisters and 1 brother!  She loves school and has many friends.  I think she is particularly partial to one little boy named Will!!! 

Santa's workshop has nothing on us!!!  We have been working on Christmas goodies!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


All the Pre-K teachers showed up for Chick-fil-a night!  We had so much fun seeing all our kids!!!

We saw this cute little family!  We also so Madisen's family but I didn't think to snap a picture!!  I saw Sabrina and Samantha in the drive-up!

Look at these toys we got for Stuff the Sleigh!  I know it hard to spend money at Christmas, but I am so glad that our parents are bringing toys for kids who are in need!  We are so blessed!  This afternoon we are going to have a surprise!  I will tell you more about that later!!