Wednesday, October 27, 2010

RED RIBBON WEEK, Library, and Happy Birthday, PORTER!!!

 Our Aggie Fans for Team Up Against Drugs Day!

 These friends were representing some pretty cool teams!!!!

 Our RAZORBACKS fans!!!  LOVE IT!!!!!

He brought cookies for us to have for his birthday!  Isn't that sweet??  We know how 4 kids that are 5!  This is a really big deal and we love to count who is 5 in our classroom. 

 We have been going to the Library on Tuesday mornings!  One Tuesday Mrs. Cantrell will do a lesson with us and we will check out books.  It is super fun and the kids love it.  The following Tuesday we get to check out and book and go the the READING LOFT!  The kids can read/look at their books.  I love seeing kids reading!  I loved this picture of Will with his sunglasses on reading his book!

We get very relaxed when we read can you tell???  LOVE IT!

I still can't believe what wonderful learning opportunities ROBERTS ELEMENTARY has for it's students.  We are blessed to be in such an AMAZING environment!!!

1 comment:

  1. I spy our owl of the week with the crown. She must be loving it.
    You do have a great school with lots of great rooms for adventures - the library and art room and more. Hope to come for a visit this Spring.
    Enjoy the great school and the fun students.
    Love, Grandma Jan
