Wednesday, October 27, 2010

RED RIBBON WEEK, Library, and Happy Birthday, PORTER!!!

 Our Aggie Fans for Team Up Against Drugs Day!

 These friends were representing some pretty cool teams!!!!

 Our RAZORBACKS fans!!!  LOVE IT!!!!!

He brought cookies for us to have for his birthday!  Isn't that sweet??  We know how 4 kids that are 5!  This is a really big deal and we love to count who is 5 in our classroom. 

 We have been going to the Library on Tuesday mornings!  One Tuesday Mrs. Cantrell will do a lesson with us and we will check out books.  It is super fun and the kids love it.  The following Tuesday we get to check out and book and go the the READING LOFT!  The kids can read/look at their books.  I love seeing kids reading!  I loved this picture of Will with his sunglasses on reading his book!

We get very relaxed when we read can you tell???  LOVE IT!

I still can't believe what wonderful learning opportunities ROBERTS ELEMENTARY has for it's students.  We are blessed to be in such an AMAZING environment!!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Painting at BANKCORP SOUTH!!!

I wanted everyone to know that our class has a painting in the Bankcorp South on Highway 10!  How exciting!  This picture is also hanging in the bank as well!  This is a great bank and a partner with our school.  They made this in ART class with Mrs. West.  Thank you Mrs. West for letting our kids help you with this project!!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

OWL of the Week....MEGAN..enjoy Grandma Jan

This is Megan our owl of the week!!!  She is 4 years old!  She loves to eat at Larry's Pizza!  She has a two year old sister named Lucy!  Megan would like to be a mommy when she grows up!  I think she will make a great mommy someday!  She also loves to play dress up and play with her dolls!!  

Thursday, October 21, 2010

How to carve a Pumpkin!!!!

This is absolutely the cutest video!  I tried to email  it to everyone, but it sent it back saying that everyone had a full inbox, so I think the file was just too big!  I hope you enjoy our mini lesson on how to carve a pumpkin!!!  Oh and we voted on his name and it is Mr. Hootie!!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

HAPPY BIRTHDAY a little bit late!!!

 Gavin and Grace are twins and they celebrated a birthday last Wednesday!  Grace is in Mrs. Bounds class! 

Monday, October 18, 2010

Little Hoots have been SOOOOO busy!!!!

Getting ready to go on the HAYRIDE!!

Cow Train was a huge hit!!!

We got to pet some animals!!!

Each cow had a name...this is TULIP!!!

Do you think they had a good time or what!?!?!?!?!


This is Clay are OWL OF THE WEEK this week!  He is 4 years old and he loves football and soccer!  He loves to eat at Hibachi Grill!  I think he might just be a football star one of these days!  Isn't he cute????

Ll is for LETTERS
Last week we were studying the letter Ll!  So we decided that we would send a Letter to a special friend in the mail!  Each child brought a stamp and an envelope with the address of someone special.  They each made a letter and we put them in the mail!  Look at these cute pictures!
Signed, Sealed, Delivered!!!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Soaring Snack....STONE SOUP!!!

I hope you enjoy our little video of what everyone thought of the STONE SOUP!  I would like to say that it was a huge hit, but I don't think they liked eating it....I know they enjoyed making it, but some didn't think it tasted too good!  HAHA!

Hoot of the Week...MADISEN!!!

Our Hoot this week is Madisen!  She is 4 years old and loves to play with her dolls!  Look at that sweet face!  SO CUTE!  She also loves to eat french fries from Chick-fil-A!  I bet she didn't know that that is my favorite place to eat, too!  Madisen is a really good friend to everyone!  I know she will be a wonderful Owl this week!!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Silly Sock Day for the Letter Ss!

We had so much fun with Silly Sock Day!!
I loved that everyone had on Silly Socks!!

Nutshell of our week!!

 We received a visit from Junie B. Jones!  She wanted us to be sure an come to Literacy and Math Night on October 14th!

 We got to meet our counselor Mrs. Johnson!  She taught us about our CHARACTER word for the month.  RESPONSIBILITY: You Can Count on Me!

 Our cottage is ready for FALL!  Is this not the cutest thing you have ever seen???  I can't wait to see how much the cottage changes with the seasons!

We are talking about Pumpkins this week and what better way to talk about Pumpkins than with a cookie!?!?!?  Each pumpkin had a different face!!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Yesterday we had a visit from a special guest!  Our good friend CLIFFORD was at the book fair and decided that he wanted to come and see us!  We were tickled RED!  I am sure you can see the joy in the eyes of some of the "little hoots"!  It was a really fun day!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Grandparents Day aka GRAND-HOOT Day!

This video says it all!  We love our Grandparents here at Roberts!  I am pretty sure we had around 35 grandparents in our classroom today!!!!  I was very pleased with the turnout and I know that they kids had a great time!!!

 Shopping at the BOOK FAIR with their grandparents!!!

OWL of the Week.....GAVIN!!!

Gavin is our Owl this week!  Doesn't he look so excited!  He is 4 years old and has a twin sister named, Grace!  He loves to play football and play with his toys!  We love having Gavin in our classroom!  He has wonderful manners!!!




Friday we made APPLESAUCE!!!  It was so good!  I always have loved making applesauce with Pre-K kids, because it is so different than the applesauce that they normally are used to eating.  Thanks to all my wonderful "HOOT" moms for sending apples so that we could do this cooking project.  By the look of these faces I think they liked it!!!!