Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Did you know 1st Grade was so FUN!!!!

 We did a team project for our unit on American Symbols!!!  These flags turned out super cute and they worked well as a team!!! 
 William was using good strategies while he was reading this book in reading group.....check out how he is point to the words as he tracks his reading!  GO WILLIAM!!!
 Taneesha showed us a great example of what our Tuesday night homework should look like!!  She has a capital letter at the beginning of each word, a period at the end of each sentence, good spacing, and her sentences are complete!!!  GO GIRL!!!!
 Addition Addy!!!!! 
 A highlight of the week was making our STORY TACOS!!!!  Make sure to ask your kiddos how they "tasted"!
 Austin was reading us his story he is writing!  He has a wonderful imagination and great details!!!
These two were hard at work yesterday in group!!!  We love reading time!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

What a week!!!

 We had 2 mystery readers on Friday!!!  The kids loved it and did a great job practicing being a good listener!  Thanks to Lola's mom and Austin's grandmother for reading to us!!!

 We learned about our Library Centers during our Library time with Mrs. Holloway!  The kids are enjoying getting to pick out books!!!
Well, I really can only say that one friend was right and the rest of us were in tears!
We had a busy week of school!  We are working really hard on our spelling and writing!!  We also start reading groups and have really been working on reading with our Eagle Eyes!!!   Make sure that you are reading your books each night at home!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Week 3 in Review:)

 I started off last Monday with some HOMEMADE bread by Evelyn!!!  Yummy!!!
 We started our center rotations last week!  The kids did a great job working with their center partner and staying on task!  We learned that during center time we are to be working and learning!!!
Our class has 5 ipads that we get use during center time!!  That was a huge hit as well!
 We had a few friends who lost some teeth!  I am part dentist, and I am sure many more teeth will be lost this year:)
 Now for the important stuff.....the Razorback vote!  We vote each Friday for who will win the game!  This week we voted correctly....well 17 of us did:)
We wore our Razorback gear to honor the first game!!!

We also started GT last week with Mrs. Boswell!  This kids loved thinking outside of the box!!!!

Monday, August 31, 2015

Busy Firsties!!

 We made these cute Hall Heads last week to help hang our work in the hallway!!! They turned out so cute!  I love how they were so creative!
 Aaron had a birthday last week! 
 Mrs. Weatter our counselor came to talk about what her job will be at Roberts! We love learning about character building!
 Math Partner games were a huge hit!  We learned the game All in a Row!! 
 We started using our interactive journals for word study! 

 Counting collections.....we learn that we can count by 1, 2, 5, and 10's!
 Nathan had a birthday, too!  Happy Birthday, Nathan!
Check out all these spirit shirts!!!  I love fun Friday!!!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Fun Friday!

 Friday we shared our ALL ABOUT ME BAGS!!!  This was a huge success and we learned so much about our new friends!!

 Friday kids and teachers wear our ROBERTS SPIRIT shirts!!!  I try to get a pic of the kids!  Lola Belle, Evan, and Mrs. Strom were sporting their Roberts swag!
Today we wrote our first list of spelling words!!  WOOOHOOO!!  Remember to study a little bit each night:)

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Off to a great start!

 We started day 1 off with a BIRTHDAY!!!!  EVELYN IS 7!
 We are already working hard at writing in our agenda books!!!  We write our homework in our agenda each night and we get to write our Sticker Green info in there as well!!  We like having agenda books since we didn't have those awesome things in Kinder!!!
We went to the computer lab for the first time on Tuesday!!!  #technology
We have been so busy I haven't taken many pictures that I can show you just yet but after our Fun Friday Activity you will be able to see some:)