Thursday, December 4, 2014


 This week we are been learning about Fact and Opinion!  We are about to start writing an opinion piece and we needed to know what an opinion was!!  We sorted different facts and different opinions so we would be be sure.  They did awesome!! 
 We worked in table groups to play a fun subtraction math game!!  We had to find the difference and then sort!
 Miss Sugarplum really surprised us yesterday morning when she had made herself a tie and took pictures with Flat Stanley!!  I think they loved it!!!
 Our Elf journals arrived yesterday from the North Pole and so now we can document each day what Miss Sugarplum is up to!  If she does anything horrible we are supposed to report to "THE BOSS"
 Constance brought 2 blankets for the Blanket for Babies drive!!!  We get DOJO points if we bring blankets!!!  GO CONSTANCE!!!!
 Grace telling/showing the class how she worked her math problem!!!  GO GRACE!!
This morning Sugar left a super sweet message!!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Introducing Miss Sugarplum!

Yesterday, a little elf from the North Pole arrived in room 116!  To say the kids were thrilled was an understatement!  They have been asking me for weeks when and if an elf would come to our classroom!  I told them that hopefully one would but that Santa would make the final call on that!  After pullout yesterday we arrived back to the class to see that a little girl elf was sitting with an official letter from Santa!  She left us a list of names that we could chose from for her official elf name!  The class chose Miss Sugarplum.  The kids are very excited and I can't wait to see what all she has in store till break!    More to come!

Monday, December 1, 2014

The Many Adventrues of Flat Stanley!

This years FLAT STANLEY PROJECT was a huge success!! He went some many different places!  The closest place he traveled was right here in Little Rock, but he the most fun adventures just being right here!  The farthest place that he traveled was to Korea to visit Emily's grandparents!  Flat Stanley even got to visit the White House on one of his trips.  He had fun in the Big Apple as well!!  He went to 15 states total and 1 country:)
I think he is tired and needs to rest!!!!