Monday, August 25, 2014

Yay for Monday!!

 Today we reviewed our classroom rules!!  This class was on point today and made it a great Monday!!!
 If you get a chance ask your child about ways we listen!!  We have learned to listen with our whole body!  This poster is our reminder if we ever forget what we need to be doing!
 Everyday after lunch we read Junie B. Jones books!  These are the greatest books and gets the kids really involved!  The kids love hearing me read to them everyday!!  It is a treat for all because Junie B is CRAZY and SASSY and WE LOVE IT!!!! 
Today we learned how to go to 3 of our centers!!!   They had so much fun!!  

Friday, August 22, 2014

Busy, Busy, Busy!

 Miles showed up to school in this amazing hair accessory and said he was showing his American pride!!!  LOVE IT!!!
Yesterday we made "Hall Heads" these will have clothespins attached to look like arms and they will hang in the hallways to hold our work!  How cute are they?!?!

Today was our first ever MYSTERY READER!!!  Aislynn's mom, Mrs. Wendy came and read us 3 books!!  Two of Aislynn's little sisters came too!!!

 On Friday we wear our Roberts Spirit Shirts!!!  ADORBS!!!  Photo cred to Carly!

Today we shared our all about me bags!!  I loved seeing what everyone brought to describe themselves!  They also did a great job sharing and were not nervous at all!!
I think we have had a very successful first week!!!  

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Day 3 Fun!!!

 This is our first day class pic!!  I think we look pretty fabulous!! 
 Today we practiced retelling a story using the book If You Take a Mouse to School.  We had fun sticking the story pieces to the easel while we were retelling!! 
We also listened to a story about a Monster that is learning all of the school rules and how to behave at school.  We did a fun sequencing activity to go along with it!
This is our new Fab Firstie Rudra!  He had a great first day and the kids really enjoyed showing him the ropes!  

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Terrific Tuesday!!

 Today we went to the computer lab for the first time!!  They did a great job learning about the computers.  Loving the headphones!
 Today at lunch we made new friends!!  I love taking their pictures can you tell?
 We have going to the dining room every morning to practice our dining room rules!!  Today we learned that we aren't allowed to share food with our friends!  We also learned about talking with our shoulder partners!
Just for fun!!  I saw I photo op and took advantage!
Tomorrow we will welcome a new firstie to our classroom!!  Can't wait!

Monday, August 18, 2014

First Day in First!!

 So we started the day off with a beautiful double rainbow over the school!!  Nothing gets much better than that:)
Next up we took pictures of us holding our 1 for the first day.  These kids don't get much cuter than this!!  I loved how cute they all were!

We read a story today called First Day Jitters!!!  The kids then got to talk about some of their jitters or Jigglers as one called it!  Most of the kids said that they didn't have any jitters and didn't need to worry!! 
We then turned our brains from Kinder mode to the 1st grade setting!  They ate this part up:)  We learned so many new rules and procedures today as well!  They loved hearing about earning points with DOJO!! 
I am so excited about this school year and can't wait to show you more fun things we are learning:)