Wednesday, April 9, 2014


 We have been learning all measurement this week in room 116!!!!  Did you know that your foot is as long as your elbow to your wrist?????
 We also learned that your arm span also measures the same as your height!!!!  They didn't believe me so we had to prove it!!!

 We used non standard units of measurement to start learning how to measure....we learned that you had to use the same object with you were measuring the object!
 We went around the room and measured things!!  We used a cube as our unit of measurement!!
Then, we went into the hallway and measured Ezras:)  This rug was 2 and 1/2 Ezras long !!  Today we are going to do something really fun with our bodies and measuring!!!
Stay tuned!!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Sorry for no pictures, but I wanted to you let you know that we finished our first day of testing!!  We are rocking it of course!!!  I am super impressed with our stamina and pushing through to the end!!
Thanks for making sure that we were all here on time this morning and had a good healthy breakfast!!  We had good energy and did awesome!!
I hope to have some pictures in my future posts:)