Thursday, June 6, 2013


Today is a very bittersweet day!!!  Today was the last day of school for the Little Hoots!!!  It is also the last day that I will be a Pre-K teacher!  I have taught Pre-K for 9 amazing years and I can truly say that I have loved "almost" every second of it!!  It is where I learned how to teach it where I feel in love with early learning and seeing kids learn socially.  It is where I have made wonderful friends!!!  I am sad to leave, but happy that I can now learn new things and make new memories.  For now I am just going to love on my memories that I have in PREK!!!
As for my Little Hoots this year.....they are one special group and they all make up this little family that I have grown to love to very much!!! 
Arlo-I love all your stories about Sassy and how you like to talk and never meet a stranger. 
Ava- I love your spunky personality and how you lead people.
Brandon-I love how you love learning and smile when you learn something new.
Bryson- I love your friendly personality and how you will give up what you have to make others feel special.
Carly-I love that you always have on a new piece of jewelry and know every detail about me and have such a sweet spirit!!
Conner- I love that you are so well love everyone and treat everyone like they are your best friend.
Davis- I love how you are always smiling and how you giggle and your little nose wrinkles up.
Ella Grace- I love how you are always laughing and enjoy being at school each day and learning.
Emily- I love it when you wear your hair in pigtails and I can see you coming with them bobbing up and down.
Fallan- I love that you are right by my side wherever I am and that you can run our room if I ever needed you to.
Gage- I love that you are inventive and can build things like nobodies business.
Garrett- I love that you are happy about life and don't let things bother you and love playing with everyone.
Izzy- I love that you love yourself and love to sing and keep us constantly entertained.
Katie- I love that you give me hugs every single morning and afternoon.
Major- I love that you play hard and love hard. You would never hurt a feeling.
Mariana- I love that you smile and tilt your head to the side and won't let others get in your way.
Nathan- I love that you talk in a southern twang and have the greatest laugh.
Peyton- I love that you never give up and are so loyal to your friends.
Ryan- I love that you never are unhappy and you have compassion for your friends.
Vanna- I love that you can play with boys just a good as your play with girl and love everyone.
As you can see I am letting go of a wonderful group of kiddies....they are my family and I love them each as if they were my own.  I can't wait to see you again and as your grow up here at it is time for you to spread your wings and fly....FLY LITTLE HOOTS FLY!!!