Friday, March 29, 2013

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Here comes Peter Cottontail....

We made these super cute Bunny Hats to wear tomorrow!!!!  They got to pick out their ears and nose and draw their eyes.....I love how Katie closed her eyes because she is using the bunny eyes!!!!!

Carly wanted her pictures made, too!!!!  Love a girl that loves pics!!!
These little bunnies were hungry!!!!  We have had such a busy day today!!!!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Letter Ss and Spring!

 Don't you just love these spring flowers the kids painted.....I have the others in the classroom display....they make me so happy and they are really good artist!!!
 Here is our little Bunny craft we made yesterday!!!  They are adorable...and I hope you enjoy it once it is sent home!!!!
 This little gem came in the book order yesterday!!!  We read it to the class today and they loved it!!!  It might be my favorite!!!!

 These boys were being super cute so I had to take a picture!!!!
Yesterday Carly and Bryson had treats for me!!!  Bryson spotted me an owl ring and he had to get it.....Carly found this cute key chain while she was on vacay!!!  LOVE THEM!!!!!

Spring Break Fun!!!

The Little Hoots seemed to have had a blast while on Spring Break!!!!  Enjoy these fabulous pics of what some of them did......



Looks like all the little hoots had a super fun spring break!!!!!!
As for me....I hung out with this cool kid and of course my little 4 legged loves!!!!!!


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Spring is almost here so we are craftin'

 I love when my former hoots sneak away to come and tell me hi!!! 
One of my favorite things to do each year is to paint flowers for the spring board!!!  Today we started them and so far they are looking amazing.....who knew they could paint so well...I DID!!!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


 Today was just my favorite!!!  I love Rock Star Day!!!  They all looked so cute!!!  I think we have some future rockers in the house!!!!!
Ms. Shaide wasn't here today because she got BRACES!!!!  She sent me these pictures so I could show the kids!!  They can't wait to see her tomorrow to see how she looks!!!!!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Centers...where we learn through play!!!

 The Hoots were having a blast a centers today!!  I love how their centers are having more and more purpose....they are playing, but they are learning at the same time.  LOVE!!!!!
The past several Monday's Miss. Edwards and I have been attending a Science Class called Sally Ride!!!  Yesterday we got to do experiments.....we chose to wear protective eye gear!!  We are done with our class as of yesterday!!!!!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Naptime Harlem Shake!!!

It is DANCE PARTY FRIDAY....SO WE GOT A LITTLE CREATIVE!!! I hope you enjoy!!!!!!
I am also working on the Foot Fashion Show Video!!!!
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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Green Eggs and Ham!

 Yesterday we had GREEN EGGS AND HAM!!!  Fallan's mom was so nice to made this for us!!!  We only had 2 that didn't like it!!!!  We are loving Dr. Seuss week so much!!  Tomorrow is the Foot Fashion Show and we are so excited about that!!!!
Carly wanted to read one of her BOB books to us today!!  She did a great job!!!  I love seeing all the kids learning how to read....does this teachers heart good!!!!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Lots and Lots

 Today the cottage had a makeover and went from Winter to Spring!!!!  Maybe that will help move out some of this cold weather we have been having!!!
 Nathan brought me these cutest lunch baggies today!!  Aren't they can get them at Target if you want some!
 Today we wore our Cat in the Hat hats to lunch!!!  I think they all looked super cute...and I think that blue hair fit some of their personalities :)
 BFF pic!!!!!
 Today we practiced for the Foot Fashion Show oh my word do they know how to pose!!!  After we practiced Ava read the entire book The Foot Book to our class!!!  She is a teacher in the making and even scolded a few that were talking while she was reading....wonder where she gets that from :)
Right before nap we have an a guest reader.  This man has written many books and came and read one of his books to our class!!!  Wow it was awesome!!!!!