Thursday, February 28, 2013

URRRRRR.....P is for Pirate!!!

Ryan is a leap year baby so he is celebrating turning 5 today!!!!  Love the shirt!!!!!
Today we celebrated the letter P by having Pirate Day....we made parrots and patches that also start with the letter Pp!!!!!  They did a great job....we cut out our own hands and some of our friends need a little scissor practice cuting on lines!!  This is a Kindergarten readiness skill that you can work on at home also!!!!! 

Please enjoy these super cute Pirate Day Pics!!!!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

We can MIX COLORS!!!

Today we mixed colors to make new colors.  We read a book that mixing colors and we did exactly what they book said!!!  They kids loved picking what colors they wanted and guessing what new color it would make!!! 
They practiced writing their names in the paint!!  Everyone gets to take home a baggie with their mixed colors!!
Today was also PINK and PURPLE day for the letter Pp!!!  We read the books Pinkalicious and Purplalicious!!!! 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Happy Birthday Mrs. Lloyd

 How cute are these little "Thing 1 and Thing 2's" for Dr. Seuss!????  The kids loved having their hands painted!!!!
 We added some new dress up options for indoor play....they loved it!!!
Today is Mrs. Lloyd's birthday so we made her some cards...I know she is going to enjoy them!!!!
Here is a video of 2 of the girls singing a song they made up in the music center!!!!
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Monday, February 25, 2013

Hoot of the Week Ella Grace!!!

Our Hoot this week is Ella Grace.  She is 5 years old!  She told me that her favorite place to eat is Senior Tequilas!!  She loves their tacos!!  Sounds yummy!!!  She also loves to play with her barbies!!!  We love having Ella Grace in our classroom!!!  She loves to play with her friends in our classroom!!!!!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Octopus Stew!

On Friday we made Octopus Stew since we were learing about the letter Oo!!  As you can see most of the kids loved it!!!!
We also had a visit from Dr. Cloud's office!  They told us all about keeping our teeth clean and healthy!!!!!

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Friday, February 22, 2013

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Dental Health Month.....

 Today we made a cute little craft for Dental Health Month!!!  It says "I can brush my teeth"  The kids got to add the teeth into the mouth!!!!  They turned out so cute!!!  I can't wait to hang them in the hallway!!!
 Just a little snapshot into some of things that go on during center time each day!!!  I love their creative little minds and what they think of to play!!  Doesn't it make you want to be a kid again!!!
One of my parents from last year brought cupcakes from the cupcake factory for the Kindergarten teachers and the Prek Teachers!!!!  Isn't that the sweetest thing!!!  We are all thanking her for the sugar high this afternoon!!  Thanks Angi!!!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

These cute faces want some SNOW...their teacher however does NOT!!! HAHA

 These sweet faces are ready for some snow....that is all they have talked about today!!!!   I have overheard countless discussions about this very topic today!!!  I will say that this sweet teacher does not want any snow....because I enjoy my summers and would prefer not to be here until the middle of June haha!!
Check out this pretty sunrise this morning....I was stopped at a stop sign when I took this picture...and yes I get to school most days in time to watch the sunrise...haha!!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Imagination Station

Today we used our imaginations to make these cute little monsters!!!  I glued 4 eyes on a piece of paper and they were asked to use their imagination to make a monster anyway they wanted....they did a great job!!!
Today we also changed up our Hoot Family Clinic and now it Little Hoot Inc. call 1.800.GOT.GLUE for all your constructing needs!!!  I will post some pics tomorrow of them playing in their newest center!!!  We change it out every 9 weeks so this is our 3rd theme so far and they LOVE it!!!!!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Nursery Rhymes and Valentines all in one day....

See if you can figure out all the different Nursery Rhymes.....they all did a great job!!!!

 We had so much fun at our Valentines Party!!!  The kids could have worked on these hats all afternoon they loved the stickers.....I think they look precious.  Here are a few of them in their hats!!!!
Here are my babies on Valentines Day!!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Name Building

Today a few of the kids built name out of our abc puzzle.....using their imagination they came up with this by themselves....they quickly figured out that they couldn't use names where the letters repeated.  I was very impressed I didn't have to tell them how to spell one name they just figured it out!!!!! 
They are so clever!!!!! 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Let's All Go to Mardi Gras......

Here is a video of us dancing after we picked up all the beads we wanted!!!!!!

I will let all the pictures speak for themselves......Today was so much fun!!!!!  Happy Fat Tuesday!!!!
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