Friday, April 29, 2011

Career Day!

Today was Career Day at Roberts!  Our counselors worked so hard to get this ready and it was WONDERFUL!  Thank you Mrs. Johnson and Ms. Lewis!  We went to 3 different stations Firetruck, Ambulance, and Realtor!

This was the fireman teaching us about Fire Safety.  Parents, I learned so much about what kids need to know and it really opened my eyes.  Please make sure that your children practice drills at your home, also teach your children how to open windows in their rooms and pick a meeting place outside for you to meet.  We all hope we don't ever need to use these practices, but this SAVES lives. 

We all got to walk through an ambulance it was lots of fun.  We talked about calling 911 in an emergency and how we should never call 911 for pretend!

We had a very special speaker come today also, Collier's Mom, Mrs. Amber.  She is a realtor from the Charolette John Company.  She talked to us about special secret codes that you can use to get into houses if you are realtor and have the special key.  We learned that it takes lots of perserverance when you do this job, but it is lots of fun. 

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The past couple of days!!

Today we started having the morning announcements  on live on our Smart Board!  How cool is that?  The kids loved it that they could see what was going on.  It is called KROB News!

Today is Jacob's 5th Birthday!  His mom brought us a special treat this morning! 
Happy Birthday Jacob!

This week have been having readers from the 3rd grade.  This is a special reward for them to come and read to the pre-k classes!  The kids have LOVED it....I wished they listened to me like they listen to them...HAHA!  I love seeing kids teach kids!

Happy Secretaries Day!

Yesterday was Secretaries Day!  This is one of our Secretaries Mrs. McClane!  Ms. Stevenson waasn't there when we took our card, so we didn't get her picture!  In case you didn't know we are very lucky to have such wonderful people working at Roberts.  Can you find your child's name on the the card?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I wanted to share the picture of the flowers that my Hoots sent me while I was recovering!  Aren't they beautiful!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter @ Roberts!

Everyday is a fun day at Roberts Elementary, but this past Friday was LOADS of fun.  We had our 1st Annual Easter Egg Hunt!  The Easter Bunny even decided to show up!  How cool is that!  I figure the pictures will speak louder than words!

We dyed Easter Eggs!

We made some eggs for our specialist that work with us and for Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Sims! We made a special delivery! 

All of the Little Hoots with the Easter Bunny!  TOO cute!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

New Hoot! YoYo Day! Watch Dog Dad!

This is our newest Little Hoot!  His name is LJ!  He came to our school yesterday we are so excited and glad to have him in our classroom.  Is he not the cutest thing????

Playing with the YoYo's

Naina's Dad was our Watch Dog Dad today!  He helped us so much this morning.  We really appreciate him for coming!

Monday, April 18, 2011

 Melissa made the life cycle of a butterfly using shapes....starting with the green circle=egg
1 red 3 yellow caterpillar, and the hanging thing a chrysalis, red v=butterfly

Life Cycles!  They went on a bug hunt Friday!  Don't they look so cute all dressed up and hunting!

Thanks so much for everyone who has kept me in their thoughts while I was away!  I love my flowers they are great!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Fun Visit.....

Today Nicholas' friend Ms. Sara came to our class to bring some chicks, goslings, and a baby turkey (a poult)!  The kids all got to hold one of the animals!  They were all smiles and didn't stop talking about it all day long....I love seeing those smiling faces! 

Friday, April 8, 2011

Mrs. Strom is Boston Bound!!!

This has nothing to do with the kids, but I wanted to let everyone know that I will be out on Monday!  I am taking my husband to see the Boston Red Sox play the Yankees!  He is a huge Red Sox fan so we are on our way to Fenway!  We have used this a social studies lesson.....We found Boston on the Map and then found Little Rock so we could see how far I would be traveling!  Mrs. Shaide is in charge while I am away and I know everything will run smoothly.  Have a WONDERFUL WEEKEND!!!!! 

We will be in the section right under the Dunkin Donuts sign but on the 10th row!  I wish I could take a sign to say Hello to the LITTLE HOOTS!!!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Happy Birthday, Will and the Birthday Boy's Dad was WDD!!!!

Will turned 5 yesterday!  He had the best cookies with blue icing.  We are learning how to spell and recognize the color blue this week so that was cool!  Also his dad was the Watch Dog Dad so that made his birthday even more special.  Thank you for coming and helping with our day! 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

One Day Without Shoes!!!!!

Yesterday was the TOMS one day without shoes!  We love TOMS here at Roberts!  I love that when you buy a pair they give a pair to someone who has no shoes.  It is AWESOME!  A bunch of the teachers wore TOMS yesterday since we really couldn't go barefoot to work.  We took this picture after school spelling out TOMS with our TOMS!  So cute!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Jump Rope Day!!!

We had so much fun on Jump Rope Day!  Learning about letters and applying it to something that they like is awesome!  I love that it was the perfect day for some jump roping!  

Friday, April 1, 2011

Pre-K was APRIL FOOLED!!!!

Today was so much fun!  We emailed the parents last night and told them about our plan!  We told the kids that Mrs. Anderson said that we had to switch classes for the rest of the school year.  The Owls would become Monkies the Monkies would become Bears and the Bears would become Owls!  This kids were so confused....I took the bears in my room and started my day like nothing was wrong.  After the morning announcements we told them April Fools!  It was too funny!