Monday, August 30, 2010

Owl of the Week!

Today we started "Owl of the Week"! Our first little owl is Melissa! Isn't she the cutest thing. She brought us some of her toys that she likes to play with at home. She also showed us some really cool pictures ! She will be our line leader all week and gets to sit our special owl chair!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My Little Friends and we are SMART!!!!

We are having a blast learning how to use the smart board! One of the things we do when we first get to school is go to the SMART board and sign in for the morning. They drag their name from the "in our owl nest" to the "at school" side! It is a great visual for the kids!
I know some of you may be wondering who my little friends are that your children come home talking about. I wanted to inform of my little friends in case you want to use them at home also.
RUDY RED: he is also being rude to people and standing in their way
YELLING YELLOW: he yells everywhere he goes....even in the hallways (can you believe it?)
GREEDY GREEN: he always wants to be first and never wants to wait his turn
POKEY PINK: She is very slow and always causes everyone to be late...she sometimes even bumps into things because she isn't paying attention
BETTY BLUE: she is really sad all day, she gets her feelings hurt a lot and you always have to be careful what you say to her or she might cry
TAN TATTLE: his favorite thing to do is tattle on his friends
BUTT-IN BROWN: he is always interrupting adults and other kids. You can't even talk because he is always butting in!
POUTY PURPLE: She is always feeling sorry for herself...she gets mad and pouts if things aren't going her way.
HARPER HAPPY: he is not selfish, he isn't rude, he doesn't tattle, he is never grumpy...he is just happy and is always a friend! We love Harper Happy!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Meet the Teacher night!!!

Tonight was so much fun. I enjoyed getting to meet all the "little hoots"! I know we are going to have a wonderful year! I wanted to say thank you to all the parents who came. We had all 20 families come....we get an A+! I am looking forward to Thursday! Mommas don't you cry on me HAHA! Your little ones are going to be well taken care of and loved!